Thursday, January 8, 2009

Acknowledging the diaries...

I am appealing to all parents and guardians to check the school diary everyday. At the moment, I can still see that some diaries are not signed and not read. Unfortunately, I won't deny that it does induce pressure on our little ones especially when they do not hand in or bring things they are supposed to bring to school the next day (even when it is indicated in the diary).
I have emphasised to them that it is the children's responsibilities to show their parents the diaries but I have to also make it clear that it is partly parents/guardians' responsibilities to acknowledge the information written in the diary. I really hope we can start the term by inculcating good habits in the kids which will stay for long.
In fact, I also want to thank to those who have been diligently reading and signing the diaries regularly (even when it is empty). I really appreciate your support, time and understanding. As a married and working adult, I understand that many of us are busy and at times when we reached home, there is barely enough time to do other things at home. And especially for those with children, by then the children are already on bed.

I just hope that you can just spend as much as just 5 minutes to read the contents in the diary and acknowledge it. Trust me, it will help your child/ward in the long run.
Once again, thanks.
Mdm Rasheedah


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