Friday, January 30, 2009


Apart from the Award Sytem for Display of Good Behaviour by the school. As a teacher, I also have come up with some incentives to reward the pupils for their efforts in completing their tasks and etc. The incentives come in many forms. (Coupons, stationeries & etc)
The decision to include incentives for the pupils is a small platform on my part to help enhance learning and motivate the pupils to strive for the better. It is also a useful tool for me to allow them some 'play' time during lesson without the need to obstruct the rest.

However, the pupils must understand that they need to put in effort in order to get these incentives. There are conditions and rules attached to every incentive.

  • Redeemable Coupons
    The redeemable coupons are given to the pupils whenever they get 3 stars in one single worksheet (both Mathematics & English). The coupons are redeemable at any time during class.
  • Tokens
    And as for Spelling, for every 5 stickers they received in the book, a small token will be awarded to them. The tokens are also used to reward them during group work and other activities.
  • Certificates
    Certificates are also given out termly for Best Speller, Exemplary Pupil and so on.

At the present moment after many years working with the lower primary pupils, I believed that the the pupils find such incentives rewarding and look forward to working hard and receiving it. And as parents, I really hope you will continue to motivate and praise them for their all their efforts till to date.

Diary: 30 January

  1. Speech & Drama Form-compulsory. (return on Monday)
  2. Sign English Unit 1- Mrs Wishy Washy. (return on Monday)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

P1 Hope Spelling List Term 1

1 Hope Spelling List Term 1

Diary: 29 January 2009

  1. Spelling List
  2. Parent Letters
  3. Sign Topical Math Review Unit 1
  4. Sign English Worksheet Unit 1-Nouns.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Diary: 28 January 2009

  • Wear school uniform on Thursday. There will be School Smart Card phototaking. Look neat.
  • Bring whiteboard set. (whiteboard, marker & duster). You may get the whiteboard set from the school bookshop. (estimate cost: $2.50)
  • Sign Math: Number Bonds worksheets and return on Thursday.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Example of Show

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Chinese New Year@KCPPS

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Diary: 22 January

  1. Bring storybook, diary, pencil case, colour pencils and waterbottle on Friday.
  2. Wear ethnic costumes on Friday. (Please wear school shoes)
  3. Donation card (Optional: please put the money in an envelope)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Chinese New Year Greetings...

Wishing all of you a very Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year. Enjoy the holidays!

Free Graphics - MySpace/Xanga/Friendster

Diary: 21 January

  1. Let's Explore (Complete the drawing and colouring at home)
  2. Art- complete and return after Chinese New Year (28 January) together with the Art Bag. (Please keep the glue and scissors in the art bag)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Award System Display

Dear Parents/Guardians,
please take note that I have attached the Award System 'sheet' on the back of the diary. For more information on the award system you can refer to the diary on pages 13-16.

Diary: 20 January

  1. Design Let's Chat-jotter book.
  2. Sign Numbers to 10 Math Worksheet.
  3. Parent Letter
  4. Show & Tell: Myself on Friday
  5. Art: Bring drawing block and colour pencils. (If they have it in their Art Bag, then no need to bring them to school.)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Diary: 16 January

  1. Complete Penmanship pages 19-28.
  2. Bring Jotter Book-jotter book with lines.
  3. Fill in the first page of the school diary.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

1 Hope First Gym Video

Took this while the kids were busy having Gym. Hmm, they sure had alot of fun...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our First Gym Lesson

Diary: 13 January

  1. Design the two triple lines books. (Let's Create & Let's Explore)
  2. [as example shown below]

  1. Bring drawing block, colour pencils, glue and colour paper. (For Art) [If pupils have these things in their Art Bag, they do not have to bring it to school.]

Monday, January 12, 2009

This is the way.......

The kids had fun singing today!

The songs was part to the tuning-in lesson we had today!

And the end...

Just a word....Hurray! (Yes they did their best!)

Diary: 12 January

  1. English Learning Sheet Page 5

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Acknowledging the diaries...

I am appealing to all parents and guardians to check the school diary everyday. At the moment, I can still see that some diaries are not signed and not read. Unfortunately, I won't deny that it does induce pressure on our little ones especially when they do not hand in or bring things they are supposed to bring to school the next day (even when it is indicated in the diary).
I have emphasised to them that it is the children's responsibilities to show their parents the diaries but I have to also make it clear that it is partly parents/guardians' responsibilities to acknowledge the information written in the diary. I really hope we can start the term by inculcating good habits in the kids which will stay for long.
In fact, I also want to thank to those who have been diligently reading and signing the diaries regularly (even when it is empty). I really appreciate your support, time and understanding. As a married and working adult, I understand that many of us are busy and at times when we reached home, there is barely enough time to do other things at home. And especially for those with children, by then the children are already on bed.

I just hope that you can just spend as much as just 5 minutes to read the contents in the diary and acknowledge it. Trust me, it will help your child/ward in the long run.
Once again, thanks.
Mdm Rasheedah

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Diary: 7 Jan

  1. Parent letter

A glance at HOPE....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Our first two days in school

Monday, January 5, 2009

Class Timetable 2009

Dear Parents,
Kindly take note that this is the updated timetable. I have given the timetable out today. Please refer to it and pack the schoolbag according to the timetable. Thank you for your patience.

Mdm Rasheedah

Class Timetable 2009

5 Monday

  1. Timetable
  2. Follow timetable on Tuesday.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

P1 Hope Timetable

Dear Parents,

Tentatively this is the timetable for P1 Hope.

1 Hope Timetable 2009


Ist Issue Newsletter 2009

What has been collected??

Today, I have collected these things from some of the children.
  • Report book
  • Mathematics Workbook Part 1 and Part 2
  • Three Triple Line Exercise books
  • Blue/Yellow/Red/Green Files
  • Art Bag
  • Art Book
  • 1 Jotter book
  • Basic English Grammar book

For those who have not handed in to me as yet, I would appreciate if parents can kindly assist the children and hand them to me through your child/ward.

Ps: Please note the information in the diary.


Mdm Rasheedah

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009!

Dearest Parents/Guardians and Children

First and foremost, Happy New Year! Wishing you a joyous and prosperous year ahead and to all children, welcome back to school.

I hope you are as excited as I am to begin another new term in school.

Mdm Rasheedah
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